Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My Baby Will Have a Voice Soon :)

Something so wonderful happened today and I'm finding it hard to even put in to words how grateful we are for it.

As is par for the course with me I have to lead up to the big news with the stuff that led up to the big news...that makes it all know it does....

Part 1 of 2 of the lead up:
We had Aaron's IEP meeting today which went really well. I got to meet the teachers from the "big kid's school" that Aaron will be attending next year. They were there because Aaron's IEP that he got today will carry over in to the next school year for a few months. I have wanted to meet them and find out more about the kindergarten class Aaron will be in. It's called "Developmental Kindergarten" it's basically kindergarten for those who aren't ready for regular kindergarten. I'm so glad something like this exists.

Anyway, Aaron's IEP focused on all the usual things, speech, OT, PT, social/emotional therapy etc. and there was a lot of focus on communication because of his mood lately, (which is still a mystery) and the success with the iPad we had for a while on loan.

I told the 10 or so people that were there about the iPad my husband and I won on our business trip and that all we needed now was the app. Everyone thought that was great but we still had no plan in place for the app or who was going to get it or how long it would be before Aaron could get this thing going. It was in the works but every day without this thing is another day Aaron is frustrated at not being able to communicate.

Part 2 of 2 of the lead up:
Last month Aaron's school did a fundraiser where we sold these cool 3D cups with sports logos on them from professional sports teams. I sent out an email to family and friends to ask if they wanted to participate.

I have this amazing friend who I met about 15 years ago, she was a bridesmaid in my wedding, we have done so much together, we worked together forever, we even worked together with my husband at one point. Those were some fun times. She has an amazing husband and an amazing family. Her parents are amazing, her sisters are adorable, (they are adults but still adorable) and she and her husband have the cutest daughter ever who is only 3 months younger than Roo...they are BFF's even if they don't see each other very often....and maybe don't know it.

So my friend, we will call her "JJ" (heh) wanted to participate in the fundraiser and so did her parents but they live about 4 hours away from us and we are all busy, so when we finally got in touch with one another there wasn't enough time to get her order in before the turn in deadline. She and her parents decided they wanted to donate money anyway...super nice of them. That's just the kind of people they are.

Okay, here's the BIG NEWS:

JJ's husband read my blog post from the other day about Aaron's AAC device and that we didn't have the app yet. While this was certainly not my intention with that post because I did not expect this at all, I was just excited that we won an iPad, I got a text from JJ today asking if I had time to chat. I did have time to chat, so she called me and said that she and her husband had the same idea without really even talking about it and that they and her parents wanted to gift Aaron his AAC app...

Even as I am typing this I am shaking my head because I am trying and failing to come up with words that express how amazing these people are, but there are really no words for how wonderful a gift this is. words. How do you tell people thank you for giving your child the gift of a voice? You really can't....

It is noteworthy that people who aren't even related to Aaron (although we do consider every one of them family) have been there for him in the past for so many major things and now for this. They let us stay with them every time we have to go to Denver for something Aaron related so we won't have to pay for a hotel, they participated in the Autism Speaks walk with us, they do research on sensory toys for him, they do more for Aaron than some of his own blood relatives. And now this....

I only wish Aaron could understand what a wonderful gift he has been given! I will find a way for him to say "thank you" with his new app though...I can't wait!! I called his speech therapist and she was super excited too...

The shock proof case is on it's way from Amazon so there will be no Aaron/iPad interaction until that gets here...but I can plug it in to the charger and download the app! haha

Thank you thank you thank you times infiniti!!!!! We love you guys!!!!

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