Thursday, December 25, 2014

An Autism Pants Christmas

Okay soooo Christmas. This was our first year in our new house, Rachel's first year with a tree (our other house was too small) and this is the first year where I think Aaron actually “got it” as far as presents are concerned. He knows there is something inside the wrapping paper. The problem is though that he thinks everything is for him. You hand him one thing and a flood gate is opened and then once the novelty of the gift has temporarily worn off he is off to the next and if you are looking away someone else’s gift is potentially being opened…or as Aaron so adorably tries so hard to say “oh-ee” (it is so cute.)

Rachel threw everything as usual, that part of her has not changed sans vitamin FYI. She very much likes this Minnie Mouse vacuum my sister got for her though. I knew she would love’s noisy and has a strobe light.

Aaron got 67 jillion trains. One of them is motorized and he got that from Grandma and Grandpa and it comes with a track. I’d say it’s like the “made in China” version of a Lionel train set for kids. It’s cute and durable”ish” and I know this because it’s been thrown several times today by Aaron for derailments while he is trying to let it drive within millimeters of his eyes so he can stim with it, but the cars are light and it derails a lot. It has 2 speeds. Super fast and insane super fast. For such a light train I really wish it wouldn't go so fast because then it wouldn't get thrown so much for derailing so often. The engine/wheel noise when it derails is much louder and makes Aaron immediately put his hands over his ears thus stopping him from being able to fix the train so I’m guessing that’s why it is being thrown - to shut it up and get it away from his ears. He loves it though because the batteries had to be replaced 3 times today he played with it so much and I had to take the engine with the batteries in it with me when I put him to bed so he wouldn't get out of bed to play with it in the dark. He did however, get out of bed and get the rest of the train and put it in bed with him. I thought he might, he has every other vehicle in the known universe in bed with him already.

The kids got mini trampolines. Aaron stim jumps aaaaallllllll day and verbal stims at the same time, loudest thing ever. Rachel would just “Tigger” around the house if she could everywhere so we thought they would fight over one trampoline. My mom asked what she should get them. The answer? 2 trampolines. I thought they would go crazy over these things because of how much each of them loves to jump. So far they really don’t seem that excited about them. They have jumped on them but not in the insane way I thought they would. It hasn't even been 24 hours though. Maybe it’s not fun if they can’t fight over it.

We went to Christmas dinner at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Both kids refused to eat anything. Shocker. Aaron was blaring Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on his iPad while we were trying to eat. We turned it down, he turned it up, down, up, down, up….etc. Fun. He kept yanking on my arm trying to get me to come with him and do God knows what but I told him I was going to sit at the table and he could go play. He would not have that. So he yanked on my arm intermittently for about an hour. He wouldn't let Rachel come near me or he would hit her. He hit his cousin a few times too. Every once in a while he would take this glitter wand I gave him as a sensory toy and slam it in to the table.

I finally decided that it was not going to get any better so we came home. My husband and 23 year old daughter who is visiting for the holiday stayed to hang out with the grandparents. I put kids to bed as fast as I could and now it is all nice and quiet. I have my pretty Christmas tree and a glass of wine…and FarCry4!! Which we had before Christmas but I hardly ever get to play so I’m playing it now before my husband comes home and takes the controller away.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rachel Played with Another Kid Today!!!

So today I was in a meeting with one of Rachel's therapists. We were updating info on her behaviors and skills and stuff before her IEP meeting on Friday.

My friend came in and she had an adorable little boy with her who she was babysitting. She had to go get some Christmas presents for the kids from Santa out of my car so she left him with us for a minute because Rachel appeared interested and he seemed to be having a good time with us. Prior to that Rachel was just wandering around the room.

She actually started playing with this kid!!! They were playing chase, initiated by her - she was the chaser! They were playing a sort of hide and seek/peek-a-boo type thing under the table and she would laugh when he would pop out and they were even sharing toys. She was genuinely interested in playing with him. She has never shown interest in another child this way...ever.

My friend, the one doing the babysitting, has twin girls who are about about 2 1/2 years older than Rachel. Rachel has taken a liking to one of them and will look at her almost like a big sister and imitate her on occasion but she has never played with her like she played with this boy.

I could totally make boy jokes now but I won't so my husband's head doesn't explode.

I do attribute this to us not giving Rachel multivitamins anymore. We stopped giving them to her in the beginning of November. I don't know if I mentioned this before. Maybe I did. I talk it about so much lately I don't remember where I have and where I haven't. She is a totally different child. She laughs now at things that are funny. For the very first time the other day she stacked blocks, she strung beads on a string, she is sitting and playing with apps on an iPad instead of just obsessively pushing the home button. She smiles and laughs instead of being a stone faced zombie. She is quite a bit more affectionate, although it is still on her terms but I am getting a lot more hugs lately which is so incredible it makes my heart burst. EVERYONE notices the difference, even without me saying anything. It's absolutely amazing.

Considering the way vitamins...any vitamins...make me feel, I can't believe I never thought before that vitamins may have the same effect on her or Aaron. I haven't noticed a difference with Aaron but Rachel is night and day. Clearly I did the right thing. I have my older daughter to thank for finding out that information about the vitamins too. So thanks PANTS!

With cautious optimism I am excited to see what she will do next. I may have to stalk this other kid now though for play dates...hahaha....just kidding...well...maybe not.