Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I'm hungry!!!!!!!!

I'm having a life insurance exam this evening and they have to do a fasting blood draw. The woman was originally supposed to be here at 530PM and I was instructed to fast for 6 hours prior...then at 2PM I call her to ask if it's okay if I take some Excedrin because I'm getting a migraine. Then she tells me she can't be here until 645PM. I ate breakfast at 930 this morning. I wasn't hungry at 1130 (fasting time) so I didn't force myself to eat anything just for the sake of eating. The 645 info would have been nice to know while I was still outside of that 6 hour window because apparently she knew a long time before I called her. She wants me to die...

Oh and to add insult to injury I'm only doing this (I already have life insurance) because my in-laws tried to do something nice and buy Aaron and my youngest daughter life insurance policies and Aaron was denied because he has Autism. Nice huh? So I'm getting this policy that can be signed over to him when he turns 18. WTF....ugh I'm hungry...

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