Monday, June 2, 2014

Why We Don't Often Go Places

Aaron and Roo were invited to a birthday party this evening. Aaron goes to preschool with the younger sister of the birthday girl. They are both super adorable and their mom is awesome. She is scrappy like me and we both have sailor mouths. I love her.
Not sure what time we arrived exactly joke...we left approximately 5 minutes later. Aaron freaked out the second we got there. He was insisting on my hands covering his ears or the level of his screaming reached epic levels. He wanted to be everywhere but where the party was. Everything we offered him just made him more angry. He was trying to throw giant rocks in the street and was almost hitting people's cars. Nothing was making him happy.
In the mean time Roo, who has her own issues (she's also about to be a main subject in this blog) was stealing people's food and running away with it down the yard which had a slight decline. She's not so good at running downhill so she tripped and fell, did a somersault and started crying...all the while I'm trying to pull a screaming Aaron back in to the party area.
The main mortifying/embarrassing part is that the birthday girl is older than Aaron and all her classmates/friends go to kindergarten and their parents are in that world...they were the guests there. I didn't recognize any of them. I have no idea if any of them know Aaron and that he has severe autism. I know it shouldn't matter to me but it does. It's a horrible feeling to wonder if people are judging you as a parent but worse if they are judging your child. I hope they know him/me, because he is a good kid and just has a rough time in situations like that. At least my friend (the bday girls mom) is awesome and understood we had to leave. Today is the kids grandpa's 80th birthday so we went over there and hung out with him for a bit instead of going straight home. Maybe that's what we should have done in the first place.
I'm supposed to put Aaron in social situations, it's the only way he'll learn to be in them, but I don't know how many more times I can stand to have that scenario happen. Especially if Roo has going on with her what we suspect is going on with her.
One is like one...two is like twenty.

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