Thursday, January 22, 2015

Rachel Said "Down"!!!

Rachel said a word yesterday!!! The first word she has ever said! She hasn't done it again since but it was pretty amazing. I did a Facebook post on it first because it's just easier to attach a video there. I usually do links the other way around but here is the link to the post and video on Facebook.

This was the post:

Today during therapy with her PT (ironically not her speech therapist) Rachel suddenly started saying the word "down." We were trying to get her to jump down a step in the therapy room (we eventually switched to throwing balls "down" because she was laughing too hard to jump.)
The look on her face and and the laugh she has when she's saying it, I have never seen those before in such a giddy way. I really saw it in her face that she realized she had said a word.
In this video I know you all can't see her face but take it from me...she knew this was something special. This is literally the first word she has ever said. She has said "down" at least 150 times today and she is super excited about it.
I have to have realistic expectations here, and I do, but there was a time where I wondered if she would ever say her first word.
Her situation is much different from Aaron. Aaron had some clear speech at one time (about 20 words or so but it was very delayed and he never put 2 words together) and he lost all of it. Then we discover he has severe speech apraxia.
We don't know what Rachel's speech issue is. She has never said her first word. Until today!
It was the most amazing feeling to hear her say something and see her face like that.

Link to Rachel "Down" Video

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